Friday, October 19, 2012

God's light in the heart

Waiting On God by Andrew Murray
I wait for the Lord, my soul waits,
And in His word I do hope. My soul waits for the Lord                                    
More than those who watch for the morning—
Yes, more than those who watch for the morning.   Psalm 130:5-6         

    God is Light. God is a Sun. Paul says:
“God hath shined in our hearts to give the
light.” What light? “The light of the glory of
God, in the face of Jesus Christ.” Just as the
sun shines its beautiful, life-giving light on and
into our earth, so God shines into our hearts the
light of His glory, of His love, in Christ His Son.
Our heart is meant to have that light filling and
gladdening it all the day. It can have it, because
God is our sun, and it is written, “Thy sun shall
no more go down for ever.” God’s love shines
on us without ceasing.
But can we indeed enjoy it all the day? We
can. And how can we? Let nature give us the
answer. Those beautiful trees and flowers, with
all this green grass, what do they do to keep the
sun shining on them? They do nothing; they
simply bask in the sunshine, when it comes.
The sun is millions of miles away, but over all
that distance it sends its own light and joy; and
the tiniest flower that lifts its little head upwards
is met by the same exuberance of light and blessing
as flood the widest landscape. We have not have to provide
 for the light we need for our day’s work;
the sun cares, and provides and shines the light
around us all the day. We simply count upon it,
and receive it, and enjoy it.
The only difference between nature and
grace is this, that what the trees and the flowers
do unconsciously, as they drink in the blessing
of the light, is to be with us a voluntary and a
loving acceptance. Faith, simple faith in God’s
word and love, is to be the opening of the eyes,
the opening of the heart, to receive and enjoy
the unspeakable glory of His grace. And even as
the trees, day by day, and month by month,
stand and grow into beauty and fruitfulness, just
welcoming whatever sunshine the sun may give,
so it is the very highest exercise of our Christian
life just to abide in the light of God, and let it,
and let Him, fill us with the life and the brightness
it brings.
And if you ask, But can it really be, that
even as naturally and heartily as I recognize and
rejoice in the beauty of a bright sunny morning,
I can rejoice in God’s light all the day? It can,
indeed. From my breakfast-table I look out on
a beautiful valley, with trees and vineyards and
mountains. In our spring and autumn months
the light in the morning is exquisite, and almost
involuntarily we say, How beautiful! And the
question comes, Is it only the light of the sun
that is to bring such continual beauty and joy?
And is there no provision for the light of God
being just as much an unceasing source of joy
and gladness? There is, indeed, if the soul will
but be still and wait on Him, ONLY LET GOD
 ~From Andrew Murray, Waiting on God, ch.16

 Skeleton key

Faith is the key, that opens up the treasure chest of God's riches. If only we would use that key more often!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Free Grammer Lessons

I posted these on My Homeschooling Adventures page. You can either click the page or the link, scroll down till you find these images
                                                 Front Cover

Waiting on God

I was encouraged this morning by reading Andrew Murray's Waiting on God. I am thinking that the Christian's number 1 sin is unbelief. Lord, deliver us from this sin. I highly recommend reading Andrew Murray's writings. They are in the public domain. If you can't afford to buy it read it online or listen to it on Librivox  not all are available on audio. You can also find Abide in Christ to read online.

If you say that you are afraid of deceiving yourself with vain hope, because you do not see or feel any warrant in your present state for such special expectations, my answer is, it is God, who is the warrant for your expecting great things. Oh, do learn the lesson. You are not going to wait on yourself to see what you feel and what changes come to you. You are going to WAIT ON GOD, to know first, WHAT HE IS, and then, after that, what He will do. The whole duty and blessedness of waiting on God has its root in this, that He is such a blessed Being, full, to overflowing, of goodness and power...

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Lucas & Anna

Engaged! God bless you two,  Love you very much!

Thoughts of my heart

    God has been so good.......I rejoice more in the trials,simply because God comes near, When everything is going well I become so self sufficient,and forget how really helpless I am. God tells me I can't even control my hair color! When I was a child I doubted that because of all those dyes I saw on the shelf in stores:) But I remember the day I first noticed the inch or so of black hair coming out with a mop of blond on the lady in front of my Mom and I at the checkout line. It dawned on me that God was right once again. Even when you dye your hair , you can't argue with God it still comes out the same color.
    And so once again, I rejoice in my God who is so much greater than I,who knows the end from the beginning and who instructs me never to worry about anything but to bring all my concerns to him and with thankfulness make my request known, and he promises to guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus. Found in Phillipians 4 .