Sixteen years ago I thought it would be a miracle if there was ever any females in our family other than me.But God has lots of surprises for us. He knows the end from the beginning. Most of the time I fret about nothing. I don't think I am the only one in the human race that acts that way. In the course of the next 10 years we had two daughters. But not only that......our two oldest sons both got married the end of 2012 and the beginning of 2013. Now we have two more females in the family! Somehow I never thought of that back when I had 4 boys in a row!
Matt met Kaitlyn when we visited at her church maybe three years ago now. I never dreamed another female would be added to our family as a result of that visit. Kaitlyn came up to me after church and introduced herself and I thought what a nice friendly girl! But it never crossed my mind that one day she would be my daughter-in-law!
Matt joined Facebook, just so he could get to know Kaitlyn, :) Oh boy, now the secret is out! Maybe some other people do that too! After praying about it a lot, he finally got up the nerve to call her Dad. It seemed kind of amazing to us that her Dad wasn't surprised. God was working it all out behind the scenes. God is good at that. He does it all the time. I personally think that is one of God's more pleasant jobs. I think he really enjoys it.
So here they are from the beginning of getting to know each other, to becoming husband and wife.

Engagement picture

Their wedding day

Our family

On their honeymoon