Welcome to my Book shelf! My place to share with you books that I have enjoyed and you might like also........
Reading a novel is like eating a candy bar. Not a whole lot of nutritional value in it. Well the chocolate if it is dark is good. The nuts are good, but they usually have way too much sugar. A steady diet of them will certainly wreck your health. I have found that there are some authors who do a good job of bringing in God and his word and are pretty decent. Then there are others who have no place in the Christian genre. I haven't done a review on a novel before because I wasn't sure I wanted to. But I decided to do a recent one by Janette Oke and her daughter.

Arab Spring, Christian Winter: Islam Unleashed on the Church and the World
Ralph Stice
Arab Spring, Christian Winter: Islam Unleashed on the Church and the World
Sketch! Drawing Lesson Inspiration

By France Belleville-Van Stone
I found this book enjoyable and informative.I liked her free form style. But then I like to learn that way. By trial and error and observation. I really liked the unique micro cars on the bottom corner of every page! An interesting read. If you have enjoyed drawing as a child this book might reawaken some old interests.
"I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review."
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Although the books on this page are linked to actual paper books, and I do prefer them, a Kindle can be a handy thing to have! Not only does it provide internet access, but you can store lots and lots of books on it to take with you and read anywhere. Another great thing is you can get tons of free Kindle books from Amazon.

Reading a novel is like eating a candy bar. Not a whole lot of nutritional value in it. Well the chocolate if it is dark is good. The nuts are good, but they usually have way too much sugar. A steady diet of them will certainly wreck your health. I have found that there are some authors who do a good job of bringing in God and his word and are pretty decent. Then there are others who have no place in the Christian genre. I haven't done a review on a novel before because I wasn't sure I wanted to. But I decided to do a recent one by Janette Oke and her daughter.

This book is 2nd in The Return of the Canadian West Series. Beth Thatcher returns home after teaching in Coal Valley. Her Mother wants to set out almost immediately for a cruise and Beth agrees to come along to reconnect with her Mother and sisters. Her heart is torn between family and the Mountie she left behind. Her sister trusts the wrong people on board the ship and runs into trouble. Beth's faith is tested and her trust in God is strengthened.
I first became aware of this series through the When Calls the Heart TV series by Hallmark. They really are not the same so prepare to be disappointed if you expect them to be. You will probably like the one you encountered first as you do connect with the characters and it is hard to disconnect the stories. If you seperate the two in your mind you will be fine.
I appreciate that Janette Oke is a clean author. I loved her first series as a teenager. This series is not as good, but maybe it's just because I am older and I have changed since then. But if you are looking for a solid, clean story, this one is good.
I received this book for free from Bethany House for an honest review.
Arab Spring, Christian Winter: Islam Unleashed on the Church and the World
Ralph Stice
The Middle East crisis is looming larger and larger before us. Many of us would rather not think about it. We just want to live our quiet, peaceful American life.If you are the kind of person that has your ear to the ground and keep your eye trained on what is happening, you will want to read this book.
The author covers what is happening in countries where dictators have been unseated and Muslims are in power. He talks of the fate of Christians in those countries. He helps you take a look at Saudi oil and how what happens there can impact us all. He takes us to Pakistan and gives us a peak at politics there, then on to the economy in Turkey and their ambitions to regain the territory they had during the Ottoman Empire.
Are things shaping up to the end times? Are we sitting on the edge of a volcano unwilling to take a look? As I read this book, I felt an urgency to ground the future generation in the truth of Jesus Christ. Realizing that life in America could take on an unexpected turn. Perhaps the very best of this book is found in the final chapter.....What We Need To Do To Prepare.
Arab Spring, Christian Winter: Islam Unleashed on the Church and the World
Sketch! Drawing Lesson Inspiration

By France Belleville-Van Stone
I found this book enjoyable and informative.I liked her free form style. But then I like to learn that way. By trial and error and observation. I really liked the unique micro cars on the bottom corner of every page! An interesting read. If you have enjoyed drawing as a child this book might reawaken some old interests.
"I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review."
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Out of The Dust
I recently read this book for a review. Like all books whether good or great, there were some things that I found that I did not agree with, but I don't want to highlight on those but rather share the things I really liked.
Avis Goodhart is a missionary to Peru. She founded an orphanage and a school there. She works with many women and children. I admire her faith in Christ doing the work through her. I loved the way that she honestly writes about herself and clearly reveals that the things she has done were not done because of great qualification or ability but rather because of Christ working in her and going forth in faith to accomplish what he asked her to do.
It is a huge encouragement to me that she began her work as a missionary late in life. There is always hope that God can still use us in his work even when we reach the middle age years.
Another part of her message that was encouraging is her appeal that we must not waste our pain. God allowed us to walk through painful things to strengthen our faith in him. We in turn can reach out to others because of that pain with a helping hand. Don't waste it. Use it to glorify God.
She went through heart rending sexual abuse as a child. As have many others, not only here, but also in Peru. She has laid out a clear example of how God can use our past hurts to reach out and help bring healing to others by bringing them to the only healer. Jesus Christ.
Click here to follow the Virtual Book Tour with Life Sentence Publishing |
I found a couple children's books that I really love! Each are based on scripture and I think great teaching to fix into your child's mind and heart, that God can build on and use to increase their faith as they grow.
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Always Near Me By Susie Poole |
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Whatever Is Lovely By Susie Poole |
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Heart Wide Open: Trading Mundane Faith for an Exuberant Life with Jesus By Shellie Rushing Tomlinson / WaterBrook Press I love this book. Written in a very readable style, with everyday language and fun illustrations. The author found herself in the place many Christians are at. God seems distant and abstract. But still we go to church and sing the songs and "do" our church life.She writes very simply of how she desired more from God and how she cried out to Jesus for help and received it. A few of the points I remember is: God hears and answers our prayers, when we cry out for help. Jesus really does become close and dear to the one that seeks him. When God seems far away,we need to focus on Jesus and fill our mind with who he is and what he has done. If we are convicted of sin in our life we need to admit it to Jesus and believe he hears us and gives us immediate forgiveness. Whether we "feel" it or not. We do not need to ask multiple times for forgiveness. Jesus came to bring us salvation, and if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. As we think about Jesus, our hearts will respond to his love and the heavens will open. We think way to much about ourselves. Jesus doesn't want to be left inside our quiet time. He wants to walk with us all day long. He wants to fellowship, teach, lead and guide us all day. Rejoice! If I could have been a close friend and adviser to the author, I would have advised her to change two of her illustrations. In one she references a seance and in another a hypnotist. Although her points were great, I didn't care for the use of those two illustrations. Over all though its a great book, if you follow her thought and don't bother about the illustration. I love her great writing style with humor and love of Jesus and life sprinkled liberally throughout! |
"I received this book for free from Blogging for Books for this review."
The Incredible Power of Faith in Action, by Nick Vujicic
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Unstoppable: The Incredible Power of Faith in Action By Nick Vujicic Throughout the book, Nick, who was born without limbs, gives us this tremendous message. You must put your faith into action. Believe God and act upon it! One of the key components to putting our faith into action is surrender to our all powerful God. Nick's definition of surrender is intriguing. Surrender means letting go and believing in God's power to do what we cannot. In a play on word, he says, put the word GO in front of DISABLED and you have the phrase GOD IS ABLED. Though we have limitations. God has none. Read this book and prepare to be inspired! "I received this book for free from Blogging for Books for this review." http://www.lifewithoutlimbs.org/ |
The True Story of St Patrick
Since today is ST. Patrick's Day, I thought it would be great to do a review. I first heard this story from Denny Kenaston. He told it with his characteristic enthusiasm. It was such an exciting story that I was overjoyed to find this book, Written by David Bercot.
Many people do not know about the REAL ST Patrick...so here is the story.
He was kidnapped from the coast of Britain by Irish Pirates and sold as a slave. He was assigned to work with another slave who was a Christian. This man brought him to Christ. Patrick was a boy of great faith and determined that he was going to pray every day that God would release him from slavery. He would pray 100 times a day if that is what it took. God did miraculously set him free. But the best is yet to come. After he returned home......He was determined to go back to Ireland. Why????To find out, you will have to read the book!!!
The Viking Quest series
I have to share this one with you. Especially since this series would be a great Christmas Gift. You can also buy them individually at 5.89, Written by Lois Walfrid Johnson. This was written for a young audience but I love them too.
Set in the days of the Vikings. A young Irish lass gets kidnapped by a Viking, who promises to return her to her home if she goes on one voyage with him. That voyage lasts for four years. I like this series because Jesus Christ is the center focus. I also love it because doing the right thing even though it is hard is held up as a noble virtue. Read for yourself and enjoy. each chapter ends with enough suspense to keep you going to the next and the next and the next.....Thankfully there are five books in the series!
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Viking Quest Volumes 1 - 5, Paperback By Moody Publishers |
Here is another new favorite. Two of our sons went to Idaho recently to volunteer at a Boy's Ranch. While they were there they were introduced to this sweet little book. They liked it so well that they came home and told me I absolutely must get this one to read to the family. So.... I found it on Amazon, and now I share it with you.
This book was written by Michael Wells of Abiding Ministries. The stories are like parables. Each has a spiritual lesson.
Our favorite story so far is the one about the Red Monkey. It is based on a story from India about a magician who claimed he could make gold by mixing a special formula into water. The formula turned the water black and with a slight of hand he secretly drops a few grains of gold in and then has it strained through fine linen. There is a rich man in the audience who asks to buy the formula, which the magician willingly sells to him for a price. He then tells him that when he mixes in the formula he must never think of a Red Faced Monkey or it will not work.The man tries in vain to never think of the red faced monkey but he never succeeds. The lesson in the story?......We will never be set free from the things that have our focus.There are two ways to be controlled by sin. One is to be constantly participating in it and the other is to be constantly consumed with staying away from it.Either way, sin is the focus.To be set free we must set our mind on Christ.
Books For Boys
Bob Schultz is an excellent, practical author of books for boys. We have read these together and they are very worthwhile reading. Instilling the values of life in a interesting way that goes down without choking!I have not read Practical Happiness yet, but given his other books, I am not afraid to promote it.I am planning to use these for part of our reading program for school this year.
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Created for Work: Practical Insights for Young Men By Bob Schultz / Great Expectations Co The author of Boyhood and Beyond now brings us Created for Work, a collection of tales that give us examples of the work that needs to be done, whether boy or man. All the stories are taken from real life and showcase a different trait (postitive or negative!) such as confidence, plodding, and keeping your word, among many other lessons. Each chapter has study questions at the end, making it perfect for a father-son or group discussion. 181 pages, softcover.
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Practical Happiness: A Young Man's Guide to a Contented Life By Bob Schultz / Great Expectations Co Behind their brave and independent exteriors young men are searching for answers. Without counsel how can they find the path that leads to inner joy and lasting contentment? Practical Happiness: A Young Man's Guide to a Contented Life offers such counsel. Through short, captivating stories, Bob Schultz has crafted a book to lead young men toward a life of contentment that can only be found by seeking the heart of God. Bob writes with a homespun wisdom born out of experience as well as a quest for a closer walk with God. His goal is to help young men chart a smooth course through life by addressing areas of faith, character, and subtleties of attitude that must be adjusted in order to direct them on the path to inner joy and lasting contentment. |
My newest LIKE.......My daughter found the Kingdom Series by Chuck Black at the library and I allowed her to get them after she explained to me that they were written by a Christian and they were an allegory. I was put off by the cover. A lot of black and knights in full armor. Now I am a nonresistant Christian. I do not believe in war. My Bible says Wisdom is better than weapons of war. So I was put off and thought I would never be interested enough to venture inside the front cover.So these books were in my house and returned to the library with no further thought from me.
But then I needed a book for my 11 year old to read for school and I wanted something in the medevial time period to compliment his History and BINGO...I thought of The Kingdom Series. So we took a trip to the library again. But they weren't there! They were checked out:( I discovered that he had written another series about individual knights called The Knights of Arrethtrae, which basically means whole world, (earth and terra are combined backwards)
So we settled for Sir Kendrick
After we got back home I thought, If I am going to have my child read this book. I better read it and see whats in it. So I did! I devoured it! I can't believe how much I like it. So I am not militant, but my heart delights in the brave hearts of these knights fighting for God's kingdom against the evil. It brings into perspective the "fight" against evil that we all are in as Christians and that "The king reigns,-- and his Son!I joy in the power of the Prince (Jesus Christ) and how through him we always have the victory!It amazes me at the complacency and apathy that some of the havens (churches) had and how unaware they are of the fight going on between God and the devil. Some of the books in this series of 6, touch on the distractions Christians can face and how the focus goes from Christ to the pleasures of this world.
These books are very readable and hard to put down. My children between ages 9 -14 love them. They also come in audio book.
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Knights of Arrethtrae Series, Volumes 1-6 By Chuck Black / Random House, Inc Get your teens reading and learning with the Knights of Arrethtrae series. Allegorical stories that follow the adventures of knights, this set includes:
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My Glimpse of Eternity, Repackaged Edition By Betty Malz / Chosen Books At 27 years old, Betty Malz was pronounced dead, the hosptial sheet pulled over her head. Twenty-eight minutes later she returned to her body--to the amazement of her grieving family and the stunned hosptial personnel. This is her amazing account of what she saw, felt and heard on the other side of the dividing wall we call death. And it is the moving, real-life story of how God changed a young mom who had to die to learn how to live. |
The words drifted through my fog of pain and fever like soothing crystals of light, dissolving in my body with deep healing effect. I had played hundreds of hymns on the organ extolling the name of Jesus, but I never knew the full power in his name until that moment. How I loved to hear my father repeat that phrase, "Bless the name of Jesus."
I just found this sweet old book on public domain this past week, I have added it to my children's morning devotions, so far we only read one chapter but I think we are going to love it. They have that "Please read one more chapter" syndrome!

Love this book, I also posted this book on my Homeschool page with a description.
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God's Little Instruction Book By David C. Cook Inspiration for the soul with motivational quotations accompanied by relevant scripture. Mass Market Edition. |
Thanks for sharing these resources. Looks good! :)
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